Monday 4th January is one of those dates I've always dreaded. It usually signifies the end of the Christmas break and the return to work, normality and real life. Boo! Hiss! In my oh-so-thrilling office job it was a date to pin future events to before Christmas: I promise to sort that out as soon as we're back in January; Sorry it'll have to wait until after Christmas now; Yes I'll deal with that in the New Year. It would always feel like aeons away at the time, but then Bam! it would be upon us and I'd actually have to keep all those promises I made.
But now, for the first time in my life, I've found myself feeling just an inkling of jealousy over all those people for whom real life has returned today. I mean, not massively jealous you understand. Not nearly enough to make me actually want to get another office job, oh no. But just a teensy weensy bit, just enough to wonder what on earth it is I'm supposed to be doing with my life.
I've realised that I do sometimes miss that sense of belonging and of purpose that working in an office brings. But as I sit here gazing out to sea through the crisp, clear day, I also realise how free I am and feel a great sense of appreciation. For with freedom comes a sense of peace and what better way to start the year!
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