Thursday, 7 January 2010

Social Me

I had a very exciting day yesterday designing my new website with the very talented Guy at zero G media (yes The Partner himself). After a whole day in the office we completed the Photoshop layout design for the grand total of 2 pages! It was fascinating to see the process in action and understand how time consuming it is making little adjustments, lining everything up and adding lovely little design features. In fact it was so enjoyable, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm pursuing the wrong career path (argh!)

The next step in the process is the actual building of the site, which Guy is hopefully working on at this very moment (damn, turns out he was in a coffee shop - should have known). The web address is mosscopywriting but there's just a holding page there for now.

I also finally succumbed to joining Twitter. I think all the little tweeting noises constantly emitted by The Partner's Twitterific iphone app have been gradually building up in my subconscious until I realised I was insanely jealous and needed to get in on the action! So you can now find me on Twitter under mosscopywriting. Come follow me!

As soon as the website goes live you can guarantee I'll be blogging, Tweeting and Facebooking about it like there's no tomorrow. So watch this space... and watch the Birdie...!

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